TOTAL FUCKING SLAM BDM Again !!! Di tengah-tengah merebaknya kebrutalan dalam scene death metal akhir-akhir ini, seni musikal yang dulunya sempat dianggap paling mengerikan yang menghiasi imej kita seperti " Eaten Back To Life " dan " Butchered At Birth " nya Cannibal Corpse tampak lebih menjadi cupu jika dibandingkan pada saat ini. Adegan-adegan konyol yang paling konyol dari aksi-aksi berdarah dan kotor menjijikan yang berlebihan biasanya hanya ada pada aksi-aksi porno dan slam, dan Molested Dissection siap berada di puncak persaingan mereka dalam hal slam dengan aksi-aksi yang benar-benar tolol. Lyrically there isn't much to this outfit, as can be gleaned from the overlong and overtly descriptive title, but interestingly enough the vivid descriptions of murder and cannibalism are adorned with an even more primitive and one-dimensional musical approach. Forget any sense of flash or technical intrigue, save maybe an occasional pinch harmonic amid a continual barrage of extremely basic palm-muted power chords played at punishingly low pitches, this is the king of neanderthals when it comes to death metal, stylistically speaking. There are no meaningful distinctions between songs to be found on this relentless sea of sonic dismemberment, just an ongoing and undeveloped collection of faster and slower sections. The riffs don't really differ all that much, as the drums tend to dictate the overall character of the arrangement. Indeed, what often gives this album its sense of speed is how rapidly the machine-gun and blast beats overlap with the one-dimensional groove riffs. There is no bass player credited on this album, and if one was put in by a session musician, it's significantly buried underneath the incomprehensible gurgling and pounding drums, to the point where it can't be found. Given the depth of the guitar sound, any existent bass lines are not missed and would probably serve to morph this into the same sort of sludgy mess that is quite commonplace in brutal bands of late. tetap menjadi mimpi buruk dalam merobek kenyataan tentang mimpi mimpi bodoh kebanyakan band yang terdengar membosankan, fucked them all !! I hate boring slam, I do, but it generally fails to keep my attention for all that long. This isn't anywhere near tech and there certainly aren't tempo changes out the anus but what there are are tempo changes juuust when it starts to get boring, a few million different feels when to change things up and just when to SLAM (that massive slower slam in the closer track almost entering some sort of ritual, hypnotic slam-zen), basically it's one of the most retarded, yet well-thought-out albums out there. It's solid, consistently so.
Molested Dissection
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